Moira Shire Crossing - Installation
Our main manufacturing plant is based in Strathmerton Victoria, in the heart of the Moira Shire, so we were thrilled when they came to us wanting to put in a crossing in our hometown. Braden Reghenzani from BR Excavations Pty Ltd was tasked with the installation and did a great job of getting our very first Quick Culvert installed in the Moira Shire Council.
As the road needed to remain open during the installation process the BR Excavations team pulled up half of the road and installed the first half of the crossing, backfilled and re-opened the new culverts side of the road. Then repeated on the other side of the road. Braden estimated if they were able to do the whole crossing in one go that it would have taken approx 4-5 hours from start to finish.
In this case the installation took approx 8 hours due to having to install in two separate sections.
The Padman team were on site to ensure the first install was a success, with the contractor and the council all very happy with the outcome.